Interface Laboratory
Life is a Journey, not a destination


Young-soo Seo

Department of Nano technology and advanced materials engineering, Sejong University

  • Address : 1132 Chungmu-Gwan, Sejong Univ., 209 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Republic of korea 05006
  • TEL : +82-2-3408-3692
  • FAX : +82-2-3408-4342
  • E-MAIL : 


  • Ph.D. in Department of Materials Science &Engineering (2002), State University of New York at Stony Brook
  • M.S. in Department of Advanced Materials Science & Engineering (1998), KAIST
  • B.S. in Department of Chemistry (1987), Seoul National University


  • Sejong University, Professor (2006. 9 - Present)
  • LGchem Research Park (2005. 1 - 2006. 8)
  • National Institute of Standards & Technology (2003. 1 - 2004. 12)
  • KOSCO Research Center (1987. 1 - 1992. 9)

Research Interests

  • Nano-structured self-assembly
  • Langmuir Films
  • Nano-Bio Materials
  • Polymer Surface & Interfaces
  • Neutron & X-ray Reflectivity

Selected Publications

  • "Thermal stability of CdSeCdZnS quantum dot encapsulated in a multi-lamellar microcapsule" / Nanotechnology, 26, 275602, (2015)
  • "Reduced damage to carbon nanotubes during ultrasound-assisted dispersion as a result of supercriticalfluid treatment" /  Carbon, 50, 633-636, (2012)
  • "No Intrinsic Depletion Layer on a Polystyrene Thin Film at a Water Interface" / Langmuir, 22, 7113-7116 (2006)
  • "Deviations from liquidlike behavior in molten polymer films at interfaces", Physical Review Letters, 94, 157802-1-4 (2005)
  • "DNA electrophoresis on nanopatterned surfaces", Nano Letters, 4, 659-664 (2004)
  • "Nanowire and Mesh Conformations of Diblock Copolymer Blends at the Air/Water Interface", Nano Letters, 4, 483-486 (2004) (Cover)


Muhammad Shoaib Tahir

Ph. D. Course

 (Nanotechnology, Sejong University)

Ha-na Jang

Ph. D. Course

(Nanotechnology, Sejong University) 

Afzal Fatima
Ph. D. Course

 (Nanotechnology, Sejong University)

Gun-Woo Jin

Ph. D. Course 

 (Nanotechnology, Sejong University)

Jung-woo Park

Ph. D. Course

 (Nanotechnology, Sejong University)

Jung-gil Han 

Master. Course

 (Nanotechnology, Sejong University)

Jea-Woo Kim
Master. Course

 (Nanotechnology, Sejong University)

Hyeok-J Park

Master. Course

 (Nanotechnology, Sejong University)

Joh-Eun Yoon

Master. Course

 (Nanotechnology, Sejong University)

Soo-min Kim

Master. Course

 (Nanotechnology, Sejong University)

Yun-jae Han
Master. Course

 (Nanotechnology, Sejong University)

Han-yeol Park

Master. Course

 (Nanotechnology, Sejong University)

Ga-yeong Lee

Undergraduate Student  

 (Nanotechnology, Sejong University)


Graduate introduction

Interface Laboratory

Life is a Journey, not a destination

Get the latest news and various benefits here. 


Tel. 070-7539-9093  |  Address : 서울시 광진구 능동로 209 세종대학교 율곡관 607호

Professor : Young-Soo Seo

 - Department of Nano technology and advanced materials engineering -

Copyright ⓒ interface lab Since 2006